How often does this happen? To me, it just sums up the problems you can have choosing between devices and platforms. The HTC Hero is a very good little device and there are quite a few things on it that I think are handled in a much better way than on the iPhone, for example, and at the same time there are quite a number of things that the iPhone does much better too.
Without going into a huge amount of detail just yet, as I will try and do a fuller Hero review later this week let me say this instead…the Hero is a much nicer device to use on a daily basis as it has better battery life, is more compact, has buttons that make navigating about a doddle, a better camera (note lack of “much” in there), a wipe clean easy screen, is super speedy, a great in built notification system, a much better Gmail native application than you can get on the iPhone, a super duper homescreen customisation set up and some decent apps. Yet, I still find myself, when I pick up the iPhone and use some of the iPhone apps thinking…..”the apps on this thing are on the whole waaaaaayyyyyy better”. It also feels a lot more solid and you forget what it is like to have a device that has the apparant advantage of replaceable batteries but with the downside trade-off of a bit of all round sqeakiness. I hate pressing down on the back and feeling it flex, makes me shudder.
I have enjoyed, so far, using the Hero and am still finding little apps that are useful but I could not say yet that it is doing enough to stop me wanting the iPhone 3GS in 3 months time over it. An ideal situation would be the iPhone apps in the Hero shell. I would say however that in my view the Hero and the Android o/s is already in front of current Symbian, Win Mob and BlackBerry devices in terms of ease of use. I can’t see myself going back to any of those phones in the near future nor I can see the Palm Pre being any better.
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