Monday, October 5, 2009

Google launches AdSense for mobile phones — reveals “high-end” strategy | VentureBeat

Google has just released AdSense for high-end mobile phones.

It’s a way for advertisers to places ads beside content that is browsed on smartphones, a move that further highlights the search engine giant’s strategy for mobile: It wants to target high-end mobile users.

It’s also significant in that it makes development of applications and content for smartphones so much more appealing.

The offering is basically a mobile version of Google’s AdSense product for desktop computeres (see video below for explanation). It places a large AdSense ad unit on the mobile content site, so that it is highly visible.

Google just blogged about its new product here. And here’s Google’s statement for publishers already using Adsense for content on the web.

via Google launches AdSense for mobile phones — reveals “high-end” strategy | VentureBeat.

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