Friday, October 30, 2009

Verizon's First 'DROID' [Video]

For anyone looking to get a new phone on Verizon soon, you might wanna take a look at this one — Motorola’s DROID, Verizon’s first Android-powered smartphone. This is also the first phone to sport the new Android 2.0 mobile OS. The voice navigation and searching on this thing is rather impressive. It appears that this may be Big Red’s answer to the iPhone. I’m not sure if a deal has gone sour with Verizon and Apple after many iPhone and tablet rumors, but those recent commercials were taking some pretty obvious shots at Apple’s iPhone, even mocking the line, “There’s an app for that”. Whatever the case, this device is hitting the streets on November 6th for about $199 on contract after rebate.

Check out Engadget for more info. 2nd vid after the jump,

Ήρθε το νέο HTC Tattoo

Ήρθε το νέο HTC Tattoo |

Η HTC ανακοίνωσε επίσημα την κυκλοφορία του αναμενόμενου HTC Tattoo, το οποίο έρχεται με λειτουργικό σύστημα Google Android, σε τιμές δελεαστικές για τους αγοραστές. Το νέο HTC Tattoo σας δίνει την δυνατότητα να αλλάξετε εντελώς την εμφάνιση του, αφού τα πλαστικά μέρη αφαιρούνται και μπορείτε να τοποθετήσετε άλλα στην θέση τους, προφανώς με διαφορετικό χρωματισμό ή/και σχέδια. Ήδη στο επίσημο site της HTC υπάρχουν αρκετά έτοιμα σχέδια και χρώματα για να παραγγείλετε ώστε να προσωποποιήσετε το δικό σας Tattoo με τιμή 12 ευρώ, ενώ σας δίνεται η δυνατότητα να σχεδιάσετε το δικό σας και να το παραγγείλετε.[next]


Wednesday, October 28, 2009

PSP Go Go Go w


雖然說PSP-N1000,就是PSP Go 已經在10月1日在香港開賣,可是經濟不景氣,銷情都不怎理想,跟2005年當時經濟剛轉好時滿街都是黑色PSP-1000的情況可以說是差天共地。小的在開售大慨是20天去買的時候,還有首賣日禮品的存貨可以送給我...哎。在我的PS3兩歲生日的同時,作為Playstation Network早期用戶的我,倒想過用不了UMD該沒甚麼大問題反正小的用iso的年代經已不用UMD就直接開機了,算是習慣了沒有UMD的日子吧,幸好,不見了的那部PSP-2000都因為這樣沒有損失任何過一張UMD。


其實本來都不想取出盒子裡的東西,反正店員都給我看過充電插頭只是將普通家用電降壓和整流為USB電壓。可是呢...PSP Go用的可是專用接線,不得不取出來用。以後一條接線可以充PS3手制和PSP的日子不復再了。

弄出來了w 螢幕比一般PSP為窄,可是螢幕高卻沒有改變...就是說螢幕比例該調會到16:9了。





現在沒有了UMD牒機,那該怎樣辦呢?就是到PlayStation Store下載遊戲了,可以在PS3/PSP上登入PlayStation Store,或者在電腦安裝隨機附送的MediaGo軟件。



載好了,Ready to Go!

嘿嘿嘿…. w

其實PSP Go在非遊戲進行時合上外蓋會轉為只顯示時鐘和月曆的模式,有點像andriod的Night Clock程式,可是小的怎樣都找不到怎樣顯示數字鐘。


Dell Streak 將使用 Android 2.0

Dell 的 Streak 是小弟近期比較在意的 Android 機, 硬件很棒、現只欠是售價了!

本以為閃電泡芙eclair(Android 2.0版),應該會用於哪一款新手機中,沒想到卻落在之前所謠傳的Dell Android MID。這款名為Streak的裝置,在歷經了模糊的諜照、只有一個角度的照片,完整的圖片露 出階段。現在,來到了各角度圖片以及動手玩,順便透露一些硬體的程度。有著5吋大,電容式多重觸控,800 X 480解析度的螢幕,並具備500萬像素數位相機,還有3G、藍牙、WiFi等能力的MID裝置,看來機能非常完整。雖然還不知價位(應該快了吧,不然前 戲太久了)以及更詳細的硬體配置,但顯然是MID界中的一匹黑馬(不過價格應該還是具關鍵地位就是),是一款高期待度的裝置。跳轉後可看操作影片。

Monday, October 26, 2009

Verizon Still Wants the iPhone (Despite those Droid Ads)

Despite a recent slew of negative ads dissing the Apple iPhone in support of Verizon’s new Android-based device, Verizon chairman and CEO Ivan G. Seidenberg told investors on its earnings call today that the company still covets the iPhone.

“This is a decision that is exclusively in Apple’s court,” said Seidenberg. “We obviously would be interested in any point in the future they thought it would make sense for them to have us as a partner. And so we’ll leave it with them on that score.”

This statement jives with my feeling that Verizon’s embrace of the Google Android operating system is just as much a negotiating tactic as a hedge against the iPhone.

Without the iPhone, a game-changing devices that is the world’s single hottest smart phone, Verizon is pursuing a sort of spread-your-bets strategy in which they offer a whole range of new devices, including most importantly a series of Blackberry handsets.

For example, Verizon this week is launching the Storm 2, an updated version of the first touchscreen Blackberry, which is getting much better reviews than the first one. And the Motorola Droid, a super-thin phone that uses Google’s Android operating system, will be unveiled on Wednesday.

“We have expanded our base of other devices,” explained Seidenberg. “So our view is to broaden the base of choice for customers and hopefully along the way, Apple as well as others will decide to jump on the bandwagon.”

New Barnes and Noble eBook Reader!

Barnes & Noble have now brought out their own hardware based eBook reader called the Nook. Amazon currently are the main contender and rival to B&N both in the online book store arena but also now in the hardware based eBook reader device platform and I guess we have the Kindle to thank for breathing life into the field and to Sony and their readers for delivering much needed variety, but B&N and the Nook is clearly the one to beat in so many ways.

B&N have included wiFi and partnered with AT&T using their wireless network that offers both 3G for downloading books on-the-go but also wiFi hotspots for their own bricks and mortar stores. So you can walk into the store, the Nook hooks up with the wiFi hotspot automatically and you get to read books, same as you do with the physical books in the store.

The Nook also has a lending functionality which brings it closer to a real book than any eReader before it. Not only does this overcome one of the stigmas against eBooks, but it helps drive adoption of B&N’s eBook system. To read a B&N eBook, you need a B&N eBook reader, be it a Nook or their application for PC, Mac, iPhone, BlackBerry, and soon Windows Mobile. The more people they get to read B&N eBooks, the more people will be inclined to buy B&N eBooks and be able to justify buying a Nook. Very smart move on their part. Now one thing else to mention is recently B&N bought up Could something also be happening there with eReader and to enter into the Nook?

The device combines the energy efficient e-ink and quick response color LCD touchscreen brings together the best of both worlds. Yep, a colour LCD screen! That’s a first for the eReader platform. The LCD offers on-screen keyboard input, a “Cover Flow” style look at one’s library, dynamic buttons, music control, and whatever else will come, to complement the e-ink display for the real reading. It cuts the battery life, but it still runs more than a week between charges, which is plenty. I think this split-screen approach offers tremendous potential, particularly when one considers the next advantage…

The big surprise is that the Nook runs on Android. That opens all sorts of software possibilities for the future, both official and unofficial apps are practically assured, and with input via USB and storage via SD card, some good Nook hacks should be expected too.

Now to content…. Obviously B&N has the pull to get bestsellers on the Nook, but what about newspapers, magazines, and comic books?

Another great features that Kindle users receive is also going to be on the Barnes & Noble Nook eBook reader allowing you to sync directly with the iPhone and iPod touch. Strangely the Nook will also support the Kindle style of reading bookmarks across multiple devices.

Okay for me, I’m sold and this makes me want one over the Kindle. Now here’s the big catch for me…. I’m in the UK! Barnes and Noble are a US based company and they don’t really operate in the UK or Europe, so is this going to be another US only centric product? Time will tell! If B&N want to really take over the eBook reader market they will have to act quick, Amazon have been in this game for some time now, if they can start selling more internationally then they will surely have a hit on their hands.

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Friday, October 23, 2009

Google podría lanzar su propio móvil

Google podría estar preparando su propio móvil, totalmente libre de marcas y operadoras. Así conseguiría el control total sobre el terminal, tanto software como hardware.

Posible terminal Google

Con este terminal se desmarcarían de todo lo hecho hasta ahora.

Google planea lanzar este dispositivo directamente en tiendas, en lugar de venderlo a través de las operadoras. De este modo se conseguiría un producto totalmente abierto con acceso a todo tipo de aplicaciones, sin restricciones.

Previsiblemente el precio sería menor que los vistos hasta el momento en el mercado.

De momento puede que Google esté planeando su propio terminal Android pero aún no conocemos más detalles. Estaremos atentos.

Fuente 1 de la noticia

Fuente 2 de la noticia

httpmon - HTTP Server Monitor

I just published a new application to the Android Market: httpmon. In a nutshell, it allows you to monitor the status of any number of HTTP servers. A monitor is made up of 1) a request which describes how to contact the server, 2) one or more conditions that must hold true to consider the server “valid”, and 3) zero or more actions to take if the server is “invalid”.

This was another learning exercise. I wanted to play around with how I would structure an extensible object model in Android. The app source is structured so that the conditions and action class trees are easily extensible at both the model and view level to add new types of conditions and actions. I’m quite happy with how well it came out in that regard. None of this is probably visible from using the app however.

I hope that at least some people find this useful, as I’m looking forward to receiving input for new types of conditions and actions.

Version 0.1.1 supported conditions,

  • ping
  • response time
  • response code
  • content contains (substring, wildcard, or regex match)
  • header container (substring, wildcard, or regex match)

Version 0.1.1 supported actions,

  • notification (alert sound, flash, and / or vibrate)
  • send SMS

I wanted to have a “send email” action, but it turns out that there is no way to send an email programmatically, on behalf of the user, with Android. I am not sure why they would let an app send an SMS on behalf of the user, but not an email. An SMS seems more dangerous actually. Of course, I could have used JavaMail, but that means gathering an SMTP server and port, and supporting credentials. Most users will lack the will or the way to set that up I think.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

HTC Dragon: Android 2.0 y Snapdragon a 1 GHz

La firma taiwanesa HTC también se sumará al carro de los fabricantes que ofrecen Android en un terminal basado en procesador Snapdragon de 1 GHz. Este será el caso de HTC Dragon (¿quizás su nombre provenga del procesador?). Sin embargo, el capítulo de sorpresas no acaban aquí, ya que todo parece indicar (aunque esto no está del confirmado) que su sistema operativo será Android 2.0, del que ya hablamos hace unos días.

En cuanto al resto de características, se habla de que contará con una pantalla táctil capacitiva con resolución WVGA (800 x 480 puntos por pulgada), cámara de 5 megapíxeles con flash LED y radio FM.

Acompañando al procesador, contará con 256 MB de RAM, 512 MB de ROM (intuimos que también contará con ranura para tarjetas MicroSD).

Lógicamente, HTC Dragon contará con HTC Sense, la interfaz de usuario desarrollada por HTC para personalizar la experiencia de uso con sus terminales.

Con las características que se conocemos, muchos apuntan a que se trata del mismo hardware de HTC HD2 (del que os hablamos hace muy poquito), pero basado en la plataforma Android. No obstante, para que esto sea del todo cierto habría que esperar a conocer el tamaño de la pantalla, que en el caso del modelo HTC HD2 es de 4,3 pulgadas.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Android OS is here....

Android is a mobile operating system running on the Linux kernel. It was initially developed by Google and later the Open Handset Alliance. It allows developers to write managed code in the Java language, controlling the device via Google-developed Java libraries.

The unveiling of the Android platform on 5 November 2007 was announced with the founding of the Open Handset Alliance, a consortium of 48 hardware, software, and telecom companies devoted to advancing open standards for mobile devices. Google released most of the Android code under the Apache License, a free software and open source license. ( (from

logo- android

Android can be installed on just about any hardware – this is the beauty of Android, and Linux.  It will dominate the smart-phone market in years to come. Iphone, Microsoft’s CE, and Blackberry are all the end of their life-cycle.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Acer Liquid - smartfon z Androidem i Snapdragonem

Acer zapowiedział rozszerzenie swojej oferty o nowy smartfon o nazwie Liquid. Urządzenie będzie pierwszym telefonem tej firmy z systemem Android (1.6). Dodatkowo, jest to pierwsza komórka z Androidem i procesorem Qualcomm Snapdragon.

Układ taktowany zegarem o częstotliwości 1GHz z pewnością pozytywnie wpłynie na szybkość działania telefonu, szczególnie w aplikacjach wykorzystujących technologię Flash. Acer Liquid dysponuje ekranem dotykowym o rozdzielczości 800×480 pikseli. Urządzenie będzie zintegrowane z najpopularniejszymi serwisami internetowymi, takimi jak: Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, Picasa i YouTube.

Niestety, producent nie ujawnił dokładnej specyfikacji Liquida. Nie wiadomo także, kiedy smartfon znajdzie się w sprzedaży, ani jaka będzie jego cena.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

HTC Tattoo now in stock | PDA-247

HTC Tattoo now in stock | PDA-247.

Shaun reckons this will sell really well but I am not so sure. The price is getting on for £300 which is steep for a device lacking wifi plus the camera is seemingly rather poor. For £65 more you can get the HTC Hero unlcoked which has wifi, a better camera and looks, to my eyes anyway, much better.

I’ve never bought from Clove before. Others say it is a very good online retailer and I’m sure it is but they irritate me slightly by never including VAT in their quoted prices.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Android Ecosystem -- This Week in Android

Welcome to our newest Monday feature — Android Ecosystem! With so many handsets arriving this quarter, it’s getting difficult to decide which is the “best” Android device out there. We’ve discussed this before, but it bears repeating that fragmentation of the Android market is oddly reminiscent of the Windows Mobile space. The key difference in my mind — Google has a business model that supports getting its services on as many devices as possible due to search and ads. The more Android devices out there, the more ad impressions offered by Google, not to mention more search preference data added to the algorithms. Search is the currency of Google and that’s what subsidizes their services. In any case, I’m considering a new Android device in the near future, which is what got me thinking about the similarities. Most of the handsets now offer little variances like custom user interfaces or slightly different form factors. It was far easier to pick an Android handset last year.

We’re also seeing Android find its way to various carriers here in the U.S., which is great news for customers. Although I hope this isn’t used that much, Android developers can now target their applications for specific carriers, say the AndroidGuys. It’s bad enough that we have to choose hardware by carrier — I really don’t want specific apps to potentially influence my decision too. I’m really hoping this flexibility was created for carrier-brand apps and won’t be commonly used outside of that situation. It would just be a rude gesture. Speaking of which…

Android SDK 1.6 supports gestures! There’s a gesture API in the new SDK that allows developers to leverage and program screen gestures. Near as I can tell, an application using the gesture API is scored to see how well it represents a gesture from the pre-determined library. I haven’t yet seen any apps that are utilizing this yet — it is fairly new — but I’m looking forward to seeing what developers will create with this functionality. Well designed UIs with buttons are nice, but those buttons take up space.

Cartoon Gang 2.0!

Dziś bidibidi poinformował nas, że jego zespół wypuścił właśnie nową wersję Cartoon Gang, opatrzoną numerkiem 2.0!

Lista zmian / nowości:

  • Wbudowany syntezator mowy, teraz aktorzy w Twoich filmach przemówią!
  • Przeglądanie publicznych profili – przeźroczystość avatara wskazuje jak dawno użytkownik używał aplikacji Cartoon Gang.
  • Przeglądanie, pobieranie i głosowanie na filmy publiczne
  • Obracanie i ulepszone skalowanie aktorów/elementów filmu
  • Usuwanie i edycja własnych aktorów/elementów filmu
  • Tabelaryczne zarządzanie filmami i kontaktami
  • Możliwość używania wcześniej stworzonego konta po reinstalacji aplikacji
  • Zmieniono wygląd 4  wbudowanych aktorów.

Poniżej filmik prezentujący Cartoon Gang 2.0 w działaniu:

Więcej informacji na !!!

Friday, October 9, 2009

新 Android 體驗版固件放出 (20091009)



  1. キャリブレーションAPKを変更し、行った補正が不適正な場合は取り入れない
  2. 同APK変更、背景を白にし見やすく、縦モードでも正しく補正
  3. バッテリーゲージの正確性向上
  4. Wi-Fi AP scan listでWEPキーが自動セーブされないことがあるのを修正
  5. Wi-Fiリンクスピードが不正なことがあるのを修正
  6. 電源OFF時のPOP音を除去
  7. CPUFreq governeor StatusをOn demandモードへ変更(バッテリー寿命をやや重視)
  8. Market接続対策


WiFi 依然出現往時斷開後不能連接的情況
Market 依舊須要行 MarketRelogin

下載 :

OS mobiles : Gartner mise sur Android et pas sur l'iPhone

Le cabinet d’études britannique jette un nouveau pavé dans la mare en estimant que la plate-forme de Google sera le grand gagnant de la guerre des OS mobiles à l’horizon 2012.

Les applemaniacs ne vont pas apprécier. Selon les oracles du Gartner, Google Android devrait devenir d’ici trois ans, le numéro 2 mondial des OS mobiles derrière l’indétrônable Symbian de Nokia.

Le cabinet britannique estime que la plate-forme de Mountain View devrait connaître une croissance sans précédent passant de 2% à 14,5% de part de marché en 2012. Malgré son succès planétaire, l’iPhone et son OS associé ne pourra pas faire mieux que d’obtenir la troisième place du podium, ce qui avec un seul terminal n’est pas si mal !

Concrètement, le Gartner table sur 76 millions de mobiles Android vendus en 2012, contre 203 millions sous Symbian, 71,5 millions d’iPhone, 65,25 millions de Blackberry, et 28 millions de téléphones sous Linux. Palm et son webOS seront loin derrière avec 2,1 % du marché, soit 11 millions d’unités vendues en 2012.


Symbian sera la principale victime de cette concurrence, l’OS de Nokia restera en tête mais sa part de marché passera de 50% aujourd’hui à 39% en 2012.

Comment expliquer cette montée en puissance d’Android ? Le cabinet donne deux explications. Il y a d’abord le nombre de références, qui ne cesse de progresser avec notamment l’arrivée de poids lourds comme Samsung (2 terminaux), Sony Ericsson, Motorola, LG, Archos, Garmin… En tout 40 terminaux sont attendus pour 2010…  De quoi bien occuper le terrain et générer du volume.

“Comme Apple et RIM sont liés à une seule marque et à quelques modèles, leur part de marché ne pourra pas s’accroître, contrairement à Android que l’on trouvera dans des dizaines de modèles et chez plusieurs fabricants”, estime Ken Delaney du Gartner.

Dans le même temps, l’intégration progressive de nouveaux services Google dans Android devraient favoriser son adoption auprès du grand public.

Et Windows Mobile dans tout ça ? La nouvelle version 6.5 de l’OS va-t-il donner des ailes aux Windows Phones ? Pour le Gartner, il se vendra en 2012 près de 67 millions de téléphones compatibles, ce qui le placera au 4e rang mondial. Un résultat somme toute décevant si l’on considère le nombre de terminaux équipés qui vont être lancés sur le marché…

Source : BusinessMobile

A propos de la solution TooFAX® :

TooFAX® est une solution moderne et innovante de fax dématérialisé, vous permettant l’envoi, la réception, et la sauvegarde de fax par internet ou par e-mail. Depuis votre ordinateur de bureau ou portable, votre PDA, etc, TooFAX® vous permet d’effectuer des opérations de faxing sur les 5 continents.

TooFAX® est la synthèse entre les atouts du Fax (rapidité, valeur juridique) et l’aspect pratique de l’e-mail.

Actualité de TooFAX® :

- Site internet :

- Site du service :

- Vidéos de démonstration :

- Groupe Facebook :

- Club des utilisateurs de la solution :

- Actualités en ligne des services TooFAX® :

- Blog  officiel de la gamme de services TooFAX® :

- Base de données gratuite de n° de fax pour vos opérations de faxing :

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

HTC Hero

Hace unos días que ha caído en mis manos un HTC Hero y estoy difrutando como un enano del teléfono… supera ampliamente mis espectativas.

Cuenta con un procesador Qualcomm MSM 7200A  a 528MHz, 512MB de ROM, 288MB de RAM, pantalla HVGA capacitativa de 3.2 pulgadas a resolución 320×480,  HSPA y cuatribanda GSM, GPS, brújula, WiFi 802,11b/g , conector de 3.5 mm, cámara de 5 Mpx con autofocus, ranura para microSD y el sistema operativo Android que llevaba varios meses llamándome mucho la atención… un proyecto del todopoderoso Google que ha empezado a revolucionar la telefonía móvil.

Una de las cosas que más me gustan es la total integración con los servicios de Google. Te olvidas de sincronizar contactos, o preocuparte de la agenda, o de ir mirando constantemente el correo… todo es mucho más sencillo. Al asociarle la cuenta de gmail, todo se sincroniza automáticamente.

No le he podido dedicar mucho tiempo, pero quiero investigar la cantidad de datos que consume al día con un uso normal, para permitirle o no utilizar la tarifa diaria de Simyo… probablemente nunca llegue a 500Mb al mes pero ya os iré contando.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Google launches AdSense for mobile phones — reveals “high-end” strategy | VentureBeat

Google has just released AdSense for high-end mobile phones.

It’s a way for advertisers to places ads beside content that is browsed on smartphones, a move that further highlights the search engine giant’s strategy for mobile: It wants to target high-end mobile users.

It’s also significant in that it makes development of applications and content for smartphones so much more appealing.

The offering is basically a mobile version of Google’s AdSense product for desktop computeres (see video below for explanation). It places a large AdSense ad unit on the mobile content site, so that it is highly visible.

Google just blogged about its new product here. And here’s Google’s statement for publishers already using Adsense for content on the web.

via Google launches AdSense for mobile phones — reveals “high-end” strategy | VentureBeat.

Android нетбукът на Acer ще се появи през ноември?


Нетбукът от Acer, който ще работи както с  операционна  система Windows XP, така и с Android може да се появи на пазара през ноември, твърди Gizmodo, без да цитира източници на информацията.  Новаторският нетбук няма да се различава по спецификации кой знае колко от стандартните предложения на пазара, освен, че ще има два процесора. Доста любопитно е да видим как ще се представи мини-лаптоп с Android, още повече, че операционната система на Google – Chrome се очаква доста скоро.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Verizon to get some Droid lovin'

Busy day for Verizon, isn’t it? Another handset they’ll be receiving this fall is the Motorola Scholes Tao Droid, the name hasn’t been confirmed yet. It will be a “with Google” phone — hopefully it’ll have a better soft keyboard than the MyTouch — so no MotoBlur or proprietary Verizon UI. Fortunately, it has a landscape hardware keyboard, a rarity for Android, and a push for the businessman demographic (and the nerds as well). The specs certainly target those groups as well. A 3.7 inch WVGA 854×480 touchscreen is sure to please the businessman (read: nerd) in all of us. Full specs below.

  • 3.7″ screen
  • 854×480 WVGA capacitive screen
  • 5 megapixel camera
  • ARM Cortex 500MHz CPU
  • Facial recognition using the built-in camera (apparently you take a photo of someone and Google will pull in search results based on the image)
  • Custom Motorola Interface/UI, no MOTOBLUR, no Verizon UI
  • Available in black and titanium colors

via BGR

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Android NDK 1.6r1リリース、目玉はOpenGL ES 1.1のサポート

NDK 1.6r1 リリース:C++からOpenGL ESコールは可能 – Android-SDK-Japan – Google グループ

Google developer advocate(マイクロソフトでいうとエバンジェリストに相当する?)のクリス・プルエット氏もAndroid NDK 1.6r1リリースについて言ってます。

目玉は、OpenGL ES 1.1で、C++からも呼び出せるようです。


